Biodiversity monitoring 2.0 using DNA metabarcoding at AIM

If you want to capture the diversity of the local fauna and flora in the best possible way, you need a method that allows you to generate complete and reliable lists of species from thousands of mixed samples - for animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms.

Classically, samples from monitorings are examined by experts (taxonomists) for special focus groups. These usually include relatively easy to identify species (in studies on insects, for example, beetles, butterflies, grasshoppers and flies - especially hoverflies). However, with this approach, the majority of species which make up the biodiversity in monitoring samples is not examined, because taxonomic expertise is often lacking and would go beyond the time and cost frame of any monitoring project. Using DNA metabarcoding, entire mixed samples can be analyzed almost completely in a single analysis, and comprehensive lists of species with hundreds or thousands of species are thus obtained – digitally.

With our many years of experience, we support you in the planning and implementation of your individual monitoring projects - from questions to evaluation and interpretation.


Metabarcoding can be used to examine changes in the entire biodiversity. Complex biodiversity networks can thus be digitally mapped from a temporal and regional point of view, and various influencing factors (such as nature conservation measures, types of land use, etc.) and the success monitoring of various measures can be analyzed and monitored based on the composition of biodiversity. The success of monitoring starts with the question and hypothesis.

Experimental Design

Thanks to our many years of experience with monitoring projects, we can advise you in particular on the selection of sampling techniques (e.g. trap type, location, time intervals, emptying intervals, preservatives). A good experimental design forms the basis for a successful and cost-effective monitoring and for later evaluation of the data. Together with you, we plan the procedure for your individual sample types and can for example use further tools like fractionation and size sorting to optimize the sensitivity and yield of the method for certain samples.

Data analysis

Our bioinformatics allow a dynamic comparison of your data with different databases - completely freely configurable for your question - especially for long-term monitoring projects. We also map additional data on the detected species (e.g. red list status, distribution area), which enables more detailed interpretations. We always strive to visualize complex relationships of thousands of species in consultation with you in understandable presentations - this is very helpful especially for communication with decision-makers and various interest groups!

Statistics und graphical presentation

Each monitoring project generates individual data. We can support you with our dynamic evaluation in bioinformatics. With statistics and graphical presentations specifically adapted to your project, we can answer your questions in detail and make these findings accessible and understandable to various interest groups.

Biodiversity monitoring 2.0 using DNA metabarcoding by AIM
Download our information brochure on biodiversity monitoring 2.0 by AIM here.
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